A review: Iris de Freitas Brazao, Legal Luminary and Trailblazer: Caribbean, Canada, Wales, England 1896-1989

Joanne Collins – Gonzalves

The book  Iris de Freitas Brazao, Legal Luminary and Trailblazer: Caribbean, Canada, Wales, England 1896-1989  was the winner of the Third Prize in the Guyana Prize for Non-Fiction 2023. The author is Joanne Collins-Gonzalves, a Guyanese historical scholar who used to be at the University of Guyana but is now Managing Director of Historical Research International Inc. in Alberta, Canada, as well as Research Fellow at the Farquharson Institute of Public Affairs in Jamaica, among a number of other positions.  

It was recently announced that the book had more high honours conferred upon it in the UK.  It has been featured by the University of London, Senate House Library as one of the “three fascinating items from the collections” of 312,000 volumes within the holdings of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) Library.