Making ends meet

Fay Torres

As the cost of living continues to rise, women share today, in their own words, how they ensure their families eat; often, women are the ones who have to make ends meet. Stabroek News has done 86 pieces (tomorrow the 87th piece will be published) on how people are faring with the cost of living. Those interviews are done with people across the country. Below, 12 sisters give their views:

Fay Torres (Riverview, Georgetown) : “The cost of living is affecting me a lot. My child father is working to provide for my son and I. I’m trying to do a side hustle by selling shrimps to buy things for my child in order for him to go to school. The cost for items has gone up in the market. For example, a pound of sugar before cost $100; now a pound of sugar cost $200. A pound of salt a couple months back cost $60; now a pound of salt cost $100. The cost for a big bundle of bora before was $200; now a big bundle bora cost $500 in the market. A seller told me that everything has risen in the market, so she had no choice but to raise the cost for her items too. I would like some kind of help with the rising cost of living.”