How the Cost of Living is affecting people

Bibi Intazam

Stabroek News spoke to members of the public at Friendship, East Bank Demerara about the rising cost of living and how it is affecting them. The following are their comments:

Bibi Intazam

Bibi Intazam, a pensioner said: “The cost of living is affecting me in many ways. When I buy groceries, pay the utility bills and cater for snacks, I budget but still the money is not enough for me. The cost for food items has increased in the markets and shops. I live alone and receive my monthly pension. Sometimes I get help from relatives and I have my own kitchen garden to help cope with the high cost of living. Sometimes, if I am accustom buying three-four items a month, I reduced the items I usually buy in order to make ends meet.  Before times, I used to buy $5,000 worth in grocery; now you have to go to the supermarket with $20,000 – $25,000 to get the same amount of grocery.