Gopaul sworn in as chairman of utilities commission

Dr Nanda Kishore Gopaul (left) receiving his instrument of appointment from President Irfaan Ali (Office of the President photo)

Dr Nanda Kishore Gopaul yesterday took the Oath of Office as Chair of the Public Utilities Commis-sion (PUC) while Justice Beasraj Singh Roy, was sworn in as Chair of the Public Service Appellate Tribunal.

Meanwhile, Hydar Ally and Abiola Wong-Inniss were sworn in as members of the tribunal at the Office of the President.

Speaking at the event, President Ali acknowledged the need for the Government to improve efforts to inform citizens about their rights and ensure they can access benefits from protective commissions. These appointments are effective as of August 5, 2025. Addition-ally, he emphasized the importance of upholding effective regulations to safeguard consumers’ rights.