Dharamlall is certainly entitled to make robust investigations into whomever is leading this persecution

Dear Editor,

The concept of ‘no one is above the law’ was seemingly forgotten by the author of the Stabroek News Editorial of 5th August 2024, for great umbrage is taken that the GPF entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, arrested an employee and seized electronic devices belonging to the employee and the ministry. The editorial even repeats the nonsense by the employee that she was “escorted and treated like a common criminal”, one wonders what type of treatment people expect when they are accused of committing crimes in Guyana. I can assure all and sundry that Nigel Dharamlall was treated no differently when he was arrested (at the time he was a sitting Minister of Government), same bench, same fingerprint process, same ledger signed…

The editorial triumphs over the Minister of Foreign Affairs’ intervention to have the GPF return the laptop belonging to the government when they should be doing the opposite, (i.e.) condemning a Minister’s interference in a police investigation! If the computer did indeed have sensitive information on national security then the GPF should have been informed and its content could have been examined by the GPF under supervision by a senior functionary with the proper level of clearance, the return sets a worrying precedent and is unlawful; it is caving to political pressure. The agreement with this action by the Stabroek News Editorial is of more worry to me than all the other concerns raised, but those still bear some examination.

The editorial deems the report of the cybercrime by Dharamlall “to be another ill-judged attempt by him and his handlers at Freedom House to attempt to rehabilitate his image in the aftermath of the varied serious allegations against him”; it would seem that Mr. Dharamlall has been charged, tried and convicted by a non-judicial system for he remains without official charge after extensive investigations by the GPF. Here is where the cyber actions by someone running a fake profile under the name ‘Shanaz Hussien’ come into focus, for on the 4th April, 2022 it was a Stabroek News editorial that repeated claims made by this profile; it was a rare error for SN and it would seem this blind spot has never been corrected. Is it the Stabroek News position that Dharamlall has no right to investigate who was working assiduously to damage his career and personal life?

Dharamlall has fewer rights than other Guyanese for some unknown reason or is Stabroek News covering up its 2022 mistake by ‘doubling-down’ on the allegations by ‘Shanaz Hussien’?  Mr. Dharamlall is being persecuted by a spurned lover and it is being played out on a national stage; the principles at play remain the same despite the politics, and Dharamlall is certainly entitled to make robust investigations into whomever is leading this persecution and to make a report with whatever evidence he has gathered to the GPF, the onus is on the GPF to verify, investigate and charge regardless if the person works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Congress Place or a local rubbish tip.

The ‘Shanaz Hussien ‘ profile spread vicious propaganda about Dharamlall, his son, and his daughter-in-law and even posted pictures of Dharamlall’s deceased mother! Interestingly, none of these actions was condemned by any of the Women’s rights organizations, nor the Guyana Human Rights Association; claims that fooled many including Stabroek News evidenced by its 2022 editorial. With this new editorial, Stabroek News has seemingly decided that Mr. Dharamlall is not entitled to the protection of the laws of Guyana and that any action he takes to seek justice is somehow a misuse of state power (he has none). By taking this position, Stabroek News has fallen for a common trap of convicting a man based on the reprehensibility of the allegations rather than facts and evidence; it is a sad day when emotion overcomes intellect even at the highest levels. The GPF must act on Dharamlall’s report, and do an investigation and the chips must lie where they fall, the inquiry should brook no interference from any politician or political agenda; truth should be the only guide.


Robin Singh

Editor’s note: Stabroek News did not rely on a profile for its news report in April of 2022.