The question of division of property ought to have been attended to in parliament

Dear Editor,

The Minister of Education was kind enough to respond on Facebook to CRG’s recent letter on “No Fault Divorce”. In her response she stated that property was always divided equally regardless of who misbehaved during the marriage. The question I posed to her was why didn’t her administration focus on correcting that unjust process? I am still awaiting her response. 

Instead of using the opportunity in Parliament to ensure that there was increased accountability in our Guyanese households, the current administration has decided to reduce the clarity around accountability. No wonder there is increasing corruption and lack of transparency in the country under their watch. We must hold ourselves and others accountable for any wrongdoing. The current audit process is unnecessarily sluggish and backdated. All of the ministries should undergo an annual financial audit before being allowed to request an increase in their budget. We must, as a country, avoid hiding what is wrong if we wish to have sustainable economic prosperity and progress. 

The current choice to further hide what is wrong, reduce accountability and to continue to allow an unfair no fault process is indicative of what is wrong under the current administration. Hopefully, the President will eventually make the correct choice. 


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of
