Time to restore discipline back into the disciplined services

Dear Editor,

I was surprised at the poor traction my letter of July 23 attracted re the sad state of the Guyana Police Force and the need for remedy. The nation’s town square stayed largely silent on the matter. I see the Guyana Defence Force has now joined the GPF on the reputational naughty step with official vehicles used to courier drugs (allegedly).

Is it not time for a new Disciplined Services COI. Maybe chaired by the Prime Minister who knows them both well. It has been over two decades since the last (ineffectual) DSC. That changed little.

Readers with long memories will remember two distinguished members of that discussing the finer points of the final report on the floor of the Everest Cricket Club. The present reputational potage of the upholders of order internal and external cannot continue. Can it?


John ‘Bill Cotton/Reform’ Mair