APNU says proceeding with business of coalition

-PNCR continuing to skip meetings

The A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) yesterday issued a statement on rules for making decisions and frequency of  meetings and it also noted that its founding member, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) has not been attending its gatherings..

In a statement yesterday, APNU set out its current status, changes that have occurred, decisions made, and future plans while explaining the circumstances that led to the decisions taken.

According to the party, it met on June 6, 2024 and deliberated on the major issue of no meetings being held since January 25, 2022. It then explained the reason behind subsequent decisions taken. “Recognizing that emails were sent on June 3 and June 5, 2024 to Mr. Aubrey Norton, MP requesting a meeting of the APNU on the 6th June and his non attendance, we were forced to make the decision that our stagnation for over two years needed to be rectified.”