Bourda Market gets new police outpost

The new outpost (DPI photo)
The new outpost (DPI photo)

A new police outpost is now in operation to provide better security at the Bourda Market in Georgetown after President Irfaan Ali engaged vendors at the shopping hub on Wednesday morning.

The president made an impromptu visit to the market to listen to vendors’ concerns, intending to find solutions to fix the issues.

According to the Department of Public Information (DPI) during the pre-dawn consultation, the head of state heard several complaints about the lack of security in the area, leading to instances of robberies and other malpractices.

The Mayor and City Council (M&CC) is responsible for these services through its constabulary department but according to most sellers, it has been a while since these officers rendered the service; and are only seen when it is time to collect rates and taxes.

Security at the markets has been a longstanding concern of vendors.

One vendor highlighted that these criminal activities continue to be carried out by motorcycle bandits in the wee hours and cries to the City Council were being disregarded.

These concerns prompted the president to instruct the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to intervene immediately and engage the vendors, ensuring police presence is more rampant in the area.

“The City Council is not doing anything…They are collecting money from the people in the market; they’re supposed to have a constabulary out there,” he lamented

President Ali also hinted at an initiative to hook cameras to a screen so the police can effectively monitor the market.

Additionally, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development is tasked with examining ways to improve the infrastructure of the market square, to ensure vendors work in a clean and comfortable environment.

Meanwhile, the president said the government is considering the construction of a market tarmac and a huge shed to house vendors.

President Ali said too that the government will intervene in the area of garbage disposable around the market since the M&CC is abdicating its duties and not bringing relief to the people.