Gov’t gazettes 30% excise tax for remigrants vehicles over 3000 cc

-retroactive to September 1st , 2023

A day after a court ruled that a 30% excise tax on remigrants’ vehicles over 3000 cc was unlawful, the state legitimized the tariff by gazetting new regulations and making them retroactive to September 1st, 2023.

According to the new regulations gazetted on July 30th remigrants with vehicles of less than 1800 cc will pay an excise tax of 5%, those between 1801 to 2000 cc 10%, those between 2001 to 3,000 cc 20% and those above 3000 cc 30%.

   On July 29th, Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George SC ruled that the imposition of a 30% excise tax on the vehicles of remigrants was unlawful and the inscribed 10% figure should be applied.