Red Lotus Inc to build hotel, convention centre in Region Six

G-Invest Head Dr Peter Ramsaroop is second from right. Shrikant Rawish Kisoensingh is at right.
G-Invest Head Dr Peter Ramsaroop is second from right. Shrikant Rawish Kisoensingh is at right.

The tourism and hospitality sector in Region Six is set to receive another boost with the Guyana Office for Investment’s (G-Invest) signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the construction of a modern hotel and convention centre.

G-Invest announced in a release that that it had signed a MoU yesterday with Red Lotus Inc for the construction of a modern hotel and convention centre at Plantation Prospect, in Region Six.

The agreement was signed by Guyana’s Chief Investment Officer and Agency Head of G-Invest, Dr Peter Ramsaroop, and Company Secretary of Red Lotus Inc, Shrikant Rawish Kisoensingh. Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Sharon Roopchand-Edwards also took part in the signing.

According to the release, the investment by Red Lotus Inc will meaningfully contribute to a more upscale Region Six which is rapidly assuming a modern look.

The Red Lotus executive spoke about the scope of the project. “This multimillion-dollar luxury hotel will feature 150 rooms while the convention centre will have a seating capacity of 1,000. It will serve as a leading events destination in the region and provide scores of jobs to residents of one of Guyana’s major agriculture belts.”  He expects over 100 people to be directly and indirectly employed during the construction and operations phase.

Meanwhile, Ramsaroop noted the Government of Guyana’s efforts to transform the tourism and hospitality sector. “This investment complements government’s aggressive work to transform the local tourism and hospitality sector.  Currently, several US-branded and other hotels are under construction and when completed will increase quality accommodation by some 2,000 rooms. The government is also investing in training as it seeks to improve services in this sector.” 

The hotel and convention centre are part of government’s efforts in partnership with private investment to transform the infrastructure landscape of the region to capitalise on opportunities in the thriving oil and gas sector, while boosting agriculture, tourism, and commerce.

Other developments in Region Six include an international cricket stadium being built at Palmyra, in a zone that will include hotels and shopping malls. Earlier this year, the government commissioned an oil and gas training facility at Port Mourant, and the New Amsterdam to Moleson Creek Highway expansion project is expected to commence soon, the release added.