Hopeful this letter galvanizes the relevant authorities into actionable solutions regarding Princes Street traffic hazards

Dear Editor,

I recently had to use Princes Street as a route to enter Georgetown and there are a few issues which need urgent attention by the relevant authorities.

Firstly, at the head of the street joining with Mandela Road are a number of derelict vehicles parked alongside the roads. These vehicles turn the road in a single lane because they encumber the other lane leading to traffic build up causing lots of frustration and anger among motorists.

Further down Princes Street, in the vicinity of the new police station under construction, are some very deep potholes. These cause damage to vehicles and traffic buildup because drivers swerve into the opposite lane to avoid the holes. This area is also low lying and is frequently flooded. These holes are a real hazard for the unsuspecting motorists.

Here’s hoping that this letter galvanizes the relevant authorities into action to solve these relatively simple problems. If fixed, Princes Street then becomes an ideal route to enter the city and will reduce some stress on the other heavily used routes.


M. Abraham