Peace Corps’ contribution to Guyana cannot be measured in human terms

Dear Editor,

I am delighted to acknowledge the arrival of eighteen new Peace Corps volunteers to Guyana, a tradition that has been enriching our nation since 1966. These young Americans bring with them a spirit of service and a willingness to immerse themselves in our culture, all while contributing to the development of our communities.

Over the years, Peace Corps volunteers have played an invaluable role in education, health, and community development across our country. Their presence is not just about the work they do, but also the bonds they form with our people, which often leave lasting impressions on both sides, which I experienced personally.

Moreover, the contribution of the Peace Corps to Guyana isn’t just measured in human terms. If we consider the value of their services over the two-year period they spend here, it translates into a significant financial contribution—approximately USD 1.5 million, considering the cost of living, training, and other expenses. This is a considerable investment in our country’s development, and we are grateful for their ongoing commitment.

Let us warmly welcome these volunteers and support them as they work alongside us to build a brighter future for Guyana.


Keith Bernard