The missing girls

Often, we see reports about missing teenaged girls. Sometimes it is reported that they returned home but without any information about why they were missing, if they were harmed and if there are interventions to protect, guide and counsel them. Sometimes there is no news and they become fleeting thoughts.

 Sadly, this seems to have become a disturbing norm in our society. The people seem too calm. The interventions to save our children seem almost nonexistent but perhaps there are those who think that many of the missing girls do not need saving. We often see disparaging remarks when these girls are missing. They are often deemed culpable in their own demise. This society often reveals itself to be unsympathetic and insensitive that even the children sometimes do not receive grace.

It is believed that many of the missing girls leave to be with their boyfriends. The fact that many of these girls are underaged and the relationships they may find themselves in are often cases of statutory rape, does not seem to concern the nation enough. These are children who are not fully matured. The brain is not fully developed until the mid to late twenties. These are daughters who may be vulnerable to the influences of society, looking for love, attention, acceptance and being targeted by predators. They may be fighting for independence thinking that they are mature, but they need guidance and protection.

Though many believe that the girls are often culpable, we must think about how we are raising our children. Where is guidance lacking? What are the influences corrupting the minds of our young?  In this age of technology, too soon our children are introduced to the wicked ways of our world. We give them devices before they can even talk and expose them to the worldwide web. The music they are exposed to is often vile. The people they see as role models are often not good people. We live in a world where sex, drugs and violence are often glorified through music, television and film and we leave our children unsupervised and exposed to this. Yes, there might be no way to completely shelter them from being exposed to such, but we must think about what we can do to protect our children for as long as possible.

While for most people reports about missing girls might be quickly forgotten, it is not so for the families affected. Great is the pain and sadness for any loving and responsible parent who does not know where their child is. Great is the responsibility of parenting children. It is a task that is perhaps taken too lightly by some who choose to procreate. Parenting requires maturity, patience, and strength. While some believe that a single parent can parent effectively and perhaps many do, I believe that children need both parents. I know that sometimes people become single parents from the death of the other parent or divorce, but there are also some who choose to do it alone after being disappointed by the other parent. There are also those who procreate and flee from their responsibility of raising their children or contributing positively to their lives. Everything in this life is about balance. Too many families are broken. Children need role models who can help guide them on paths where they would not feel the need to rebel. There are some children where both parents are involved and still, the path of rebellion is chosen. It is imperative that we take a deep look at ourselves, our relationships with our children and the society.

What are some of the social issues that lead to some of these girls choosing the path of rebellion? Do some of them come from abusive homes? The prevalence of child sexual abuse is not highlighted enough in Guyana. I have heard some of the vilest stories about the molestation and rape of children. It is too often excused and hidden. Those who rape and molest children have too much freedom to do it in this society. Too many of them are not punished. There are too many who excuse their behaviour. Those who hold children culpable in their own molestation and/or rape are degenerates. Too many of our children never get the healing they need, suffer in silence and often when they “rebel” it is them crying out for help.

Earlier this week I saw a social media post about another missing girl. It seemed like the mother’s heart was broken. It seemed like it was not the first time the child had run away. One could tell that the mother tried to guide her daughter on the right path, but her daughter was rebellious. One of the things she said was that one cannot save a child who does not wish to be saved. It was heartbreaking to read. It is not easy for a parent to give up on their child. Yes, these children need to be saved. As a society we should come together to guide and protect them.

I also saw another report this week about a 15 year old girl from Sophia who has been missing since July 17th. It was reported that the Child Care and Protection Agency is active on the case. While some people were praying for her safe return others were saying the usual disparaging things that are said about most of these missing girls.

Months ago, when there were reports about missing girls, I was told about human trafficking. It was alleged that some of the girls are taken to a particular community where they are drugged and trafficked. The person alleged that some of those who are supposed to protect the people of this nation are involved. It is frightening and concerning that our children can be used for profit and for the pleasure and sick fantasies of deviants of this nation.

If indeed some of the missing girls are being trafficked, it is another example of how broken this society is. Whispers about the harsh realities will not save our children. Blaming the children when society failed them, will not solve the issues. Imagining that one’s child can be snatched, coerced, and trafficked is disturbing. Sad, that children are also victims of a corrupt society. The missing girls lives matter. They deserve a society that will fight for them.