Corruption will likely be a major factor again in the 2025 election

Dear Editor,

A growing and worrying concern that will impact the 2025 election is the perception that corruption pervades almost every aspect of governance, though this is not confined to this administration but was widespread in the preceding APNU+AFC coalition. It follows that politicians, once in government, and police, regardless of which party in office, with rare exceptions among both, are extremely corrupt.

It has been alleged elsewhere that some high functionaries (ministers, high government functionaries and police officials) own companies that do business with government agencies taking away work from legitimate contractors who are interested in national development. Some contractors refuse to give a bribe or kickback, others give in to get a contract.

The cancellation of visas and deportation of the corrupt is a welcomed step but the net needs to widen to include other corrupt government functionaries, business persons, and police. Another added measure should be indicting the alleged corrupt with extradition to the USA. The impact of corruption on development and on lifting the standard of living of the poor who comprise almost 50% of the population who can’t afford three meals a day while a few are over eating is unsustainable.

The Vice President, and others in authority, should crack down on corruption in government and the police. It is noted that corruption (or its perception) played a decisive role in the 2011, 2015, and 2020 elections and will again, it seems, be a major factor in the 2025 election.


Vishnu Bisram