Ministry of Housing aiming to allocate 2,000 house lots at Expo 2024

Persons awaiting their house lots
Persons awaiting their house lots

The Ministry of Housing and Water has set a target to allocate 2,000 house lots during the ongoing 2024 International Building Expo.

The Expo, which began on Thursday, has seen significant participation, with the Ministry focusing its efforts on regions Three and Four.

Speaking with the Sunday Stabroek yesterday, Minister within the Ministry, Susan Rodrigues, outlined the ministry’s objectives, stating that the distribution of house lots is a central focus of the event. “Our goal is to allocate 2,000 house lots for regions Three and Four. We have already called approximately 1,000 persons over the last two days to receive their house lots.”

Minister Susan Rodrigues (right) interacting with staff at the expo

Yesterday’s allocation concentrated on Region Three, while Friday’s efforts were geared towards Region 4. Yesterday, about 400 house lots had been allocated by midday, with Friday’s distribution alone accounting for nearly 800 lots. Rodrigues expressed confidence that the number of allocated lots would continue to rise as the Expo progresses.

In addition to house lots, the Ministry is also distributing certificates of title, aiming to deliver 2,000 titles by the end of the Expo. “We have 2,000 titles that were processed and are ready for distribution. People have been coming in since Thursday night,” Rodrigues noted. On the opening day of the Expo, 254 titles were handed out, followed by 447 on Friday. The Ministry’s team is working to meet the demand and ensure more titles are delivered.

Rodrigues emphasised that the distribution of titles and house lots will continue beyond the Expo. She encouraged individuals who have not yet received their allocations or titles to visit the Ministry to apply or collect their documents. “The distribution will not stop after the Expo. We are committed to ensuring that everyone who has applied receives their house lot or title,” she stated.