Police cite underreporting of domestic violence cases

A section of the gathering (Police photo)
A section of the gathering (Police photo)

Commissioner of Police  Clifton Hicken and the  Executive Leadership Team (ELT) of the Guyana Police Force conducted a ‘Family Violence Presentation’  yesterday at the Officers’ Mess Annexe, Eve Leary during which the underreporting of domestic violence cases was highlighted.

A release from the police said that ‘Family Violence’ presentations were done by the Police Legal Advisor Mandel Moore and Assistant Superintendent Delon Fraser, which aimed to combat family violence and enforce new strategies and comprehensive approaches designed to protect.

Despite the comprehensive strategy, the release said that officers acknowledged the challenges that lie ahead.

“One of the most significant issues is the underreporting of domestic violence cases, often due to fear, shame, or a lack of trust in the authorities. The presentations also addressed the legal and logistical hurdles in prosecuting domestic violence cases”, the release said.

Commissioner Clifton Hicken, Deputy Commissioner ‘Administration’ (ag) Ravindradat Budhram, Deputy Commissioner ‘Operations’ (ag.) Errol Watts, Head of the Strategic Planning Unit (SPU) Assistant Commissioner Khali Pareshram, Assistant Commissioner Mahendra Siewnarine, and other senior and junior officers attended the event.