A refreshingly cool salad

Watermelon & Feta Salad (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

We are all aware of how refreshingly cool cucumbers and watermelons are, especially when they are chilled. Now imagine the level of coolness with these two ingredients together in a salad with some creamy, salty cheese. YUM!

I do not know about you but I am finding the heat oppressive. While I am drinking lots of water to keep myself hydrated, I feel the need for more than just water, and this salad hits the spot. It is so easy to put together and economical too since both of the main ingredients are in season. The priciest thing is the feta cheese. Given that you are not spending a lot on the watermelon and cucumber, it is not something to complain about. While this salad can be eaten with a honey-lime dressing, you don’t really need it; eat it as is.