People who should never have children

“I does hear people say that some people shouldn’t have children and I would say to myself that is not a kind thing to say. But I tell you with my neighbour I believe that statement. I try not to mind people business but I does can’t help it with this woman,” a sister told me recently.

“One morning I wake up and I hearing she, ‘What the f..k you want? Why you don’t sit the f..k down and leave me alone?’ So I say to myself she busing somebody or she and she partner getting wrong. I went at the back and I see is just she and her little child. The girl can’t be three yet because she not going to school, and I realise is this child she was using those words on,” the sister related.

“And it is not the first time. Sometimes I really feel sorry for the child. Most times, is just the two of them at home and if you hear the language she uses on that child. I don’t know if she frustrated or what because before she use to be out more than in, but now she is home most times and she always cursing that little girl.