Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha hosts inaugural youth summit to mark 50th anniversary

High Commissioner of India Dr Amit Telang addressing the youths 
High Commissioner of India Dr Amit Telang addressing the youths 

Hundreds of Hindu youths from various regions across the country gathered last Saturday for the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS) Youth Summit. The two-day event, held at the Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud Dharmic Sanskritik Kendra in Prashad Nagar, in Georgetown, was themed “Empowering Hindu Youth Leadership: Leveraging Hindu Wisdom and Cultural Expression for Positive Social Change.” 

This summit marked the 50th anniversary of the GHDS and aimed to empower Hindu youth leadership, leverage Hindu wisdom, and promote cultural expression for positive social change. It included productive discussions, informative sessions, and networking opportunities, designed to foster conversations around the theme and drive meaningful change.

President of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha Dr Vindhya Vasini Persaud addressing the audience

High Commissioner of India Dr Amit Telang opened the inaugural Youth Summit by emphasising that religion encompasses more than just worship.

Noting the achievements of Indian civilization over thousands of years, the High Commissioner said: “We must realise that this concept is a very broader concept. Everyone who believes in certain values and who believes in certain traditions and certain way of life…irrespective of which religion you practice you are still a Hindu that is the concept you have to keep in mind that when you talk about Hinduism. It is a very broad concept”.

He pointed to a reference by the Masters of Ceremony to Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (one family) and said that “the global family is not a new concept. We have always believed …that …we may be living in different parts of the world…we may have different skin colour, we may look different, we may believe in you know different religions but at the end of the day we are all human beings. And that bond of humanity connects us and that is the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”.

He added it is not only about stating that each and every one is part of us …”it also strongly believes in the concept that each and every human being is in a way connected as a part of that family”.

The High Commissioner urged: “As you discuss, as you deliberate please also take into mind that Guyana, Trinidad and Suriname, all of you have a very strong message to convey…that we may be in any part of the world but we are one strong family. That concept of family is very important…because when you consider the fellow human being as your brother or sister there is no animosity. You are connecting people and through this strong connection a better world can be (created).”

Meanwhile, President of GHDS Dr Vindhya Vasini Persaud expressed satisfaction with the turnout, noting the significant contributions Hindus have made to society over thousands of years. She emphasised the responsibility Hindus bear in becoming leaders and influencers on the Dharmic path.

“Regardless of your position in society, never forget your religious identity,” Dr Persaud said. 

She urged Hindu youths to be active advocates and positively impact society, adding that the summit would help the Sabha understand how Hindus can contribute to Guyana’s development. She told youths that they live in a modern world where the scriptures are easily translated and they should not feel the Hindu Dharma is complex. 

Other speakers at the summit included veterinarian Dr Nardeo Bassoodeo; neurosurgeon Dr Amarnath Dukhi; Pandit Deodat Persaud; Editor-in-Chief of the Guyana Chronicle Navendra Seoraj; Pandit Jagmohan Persaud; Pandit Avishkar Nandlall; Dr Vishnu Doerga of ActionInvest; cricketer Akshaya Persaud; Pandit Nitin Jagbandan from Suriname; E-Networks CEO Vishok Mayan Persaud; Gina Arjoon; and Office Manager of Morning Glory Inc Reema Natram.

 The programme featured cultural performances, speeches, and recitations from the Ramayana.

Youths paying rapt attention at the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha Youth Summit