Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha hosts inaugural youth summit to mark 50th anniversary

High Commissioner of India Dr Amit Telang addressing the youths 

Hundreds of Hindu youths from various regions across the country gathered last Saturday for the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS) Youth Summit. The two-day event, held at the Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud Dharmic Sanskritik Kendra in Prashad Nagar, in Georgetown, was themed “Empowering Hindu Youth Leadership: Leveraging Hindu Wisdom and Cultural Expression for Positive Social Change.” 

This summit marked the 50th anniversary of the GHDS and aimed to empower Hindu youth leadership, leverage Hindu wisdom, and promote cultural expression for positive social change. It included productive discussions, informative sessions, and networking opportunities, designed to foster conversations around the theme and drive meaningful change.