How the Cost of Living is affecting people Part 88

Ganshan Bipat
Theresa Walker

Theresa Walker, a 57-year-old part-time cleaner said: “The cost of living is affecting me terrible because I’m living alone and I work only as a part-time cleaner. I mean, I have my own place but still, I have to pay the utility bills and buy food items. Food items now are costly because the cost for everything is going up every day. Well, I get a little financial support from my family in addition to the part-time work I do just to cope with the cost of living. If I had to pay a rent, the cost of living would have been worse for me. I am just trying to cope with the cost of living. For example, the cost for a pound of chicken a couple month ago was $300 and something; now the chicken cost $400/$500 a pound at some places. All like bread, the cost gone up. A few months ago, a Palms wholewheat bread cost $320; now the bread cost $380/$400. The next thing is the transportation cost over here is expensive. In the afternoon to travel back from Georgetown to Goed Fortuin I will pay $300; the normal cost is $200.Sometimes in the afternoon instead of me paying $100 from Vreed-en-Hoop to Goed Fortuin, I end up paying $200. I think the government should place price control on all items or help the poorer class of people that need help.”