Bartica business owners/employees at labour rights seminar

Attendees at the seminar with Labour Ministry officials
Attendees at the seminar with Labour Ministry officials

Several business owners in Bartica, Region Seven are now better informed on protecting their rights as employers as well as the rights of their respective employees, following the hosting of a seminar on Guyana’s Labour Laws, a press release from the Ministry of Labour says.

 The seminar, which was held yesterday at the Bartica Town Council, provided in-depth information on various labour laws, including those governing overtime payments, termination of employment, severance pay and occupational safety and health requirements, inspection and record-keeping, the national minimum wage, probation periods, and leave with pay.

The release said that the seminar also covered the various services being offered by the Ministry such as skills training opportunities through the Board of Industrial Training (BIT), and employment opportunities including the ‘Job Readiness’ programme to boost one’s chances to gain employment with the help of the Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency (CRMA) among other services.

The release said that Chief Labour Officer, Dhaneshwar Deonarine informed the gathering that the Ministry has been making significant strides in improving Guyanese people’s access to its services despite their geographical location in keeping with the government’s manifesto promise to enhance its citizens’ access to government services. This approach, he said allows the Ministry to conduct some five hundred and four inspections at various businesses in Bartica, over the last three years.

According to the release, the Chief Labour Officer stated that this step yielded positive impacts as it allowed the Ministry to identify and rectify businesses that were once not in full compliance with the country’s labour laws during this period. Similar efforts were made for at least seventy-five businesses in 2022. Deonarine pointed out that at the national level, the Ministry has engaged with more than one thousand businesses/companies, which employed approximately 58,000 workers, over the last three years in similar seminars.

According to the release, Deonarine stated that the Ministry has recorded a 45 percent decline in complaints from workers as of July 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. And Anthony Murray, Mayor of Bartica, expressed his heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the informative and comprehensive seminar. He emphasized the importance of such initiatives in empowering local businesses with the knowledge needed to operate within the legal framework, thereby contributing to the overall well-being and development of the community.

The seminar was led by the Chief Labour Officer  with support from Senior Labour Officer  Prandatt Basdeo, Labour Officer  Martin Murray, and Board of Industrial Training (BIT) officer Joseph Bharrat.