There was a consent order in the case of Letter T Estates

Dear Editor,

I wish to attract to your attention that in the Sunday issue of Kaieteur News, a notice purportedly published at the instance of Mr. Vickram Oditt on behalf of Letter T Estates Ltd. and Vinelli Industries Ltd. that he and his company are the owners of the entire Estate of Letter T which constitute, as I know, approximately 3,000 acres of land.

It is well known through his lawyers, at the instance of Mr. Nandram Kissoon who sued him touching and concerning this property in Action No. 685-W of 1993 (Demerara), Mr. Oditt, through his Lawyer Mr. Poonai, S.C. with himself (Oditt), the Defendant and his company, settled the matter by a Consent Order, surrendering and agreeing to convey Transport of 1,100 acres of land that constitute the entire 500 acres on the northern side of the Abary public road and 600 acres on the southern side of the said public road with his consent by the surveyor Mr. Ramkarran thereby demarcating the area belonging to Mr. Nandram Kissoon.

After the Consent Order the Honour-able Justice Bovell-Drakes approved of the Sketch Plan agreed upon between Mr. Nandram Kissoon and Mr. Vickram Oditt and his company.


Jailall Kissoon