Unfortunate customer experience at this establishment

Dear Editor,

The Royal Jewel House, famous for its clocks and watches, has a ridiculous system:  if a customer goes between 13 00 H and 14 00 H any work day to say have a watch battery checked or replaced or even a watch band changed, these tasks cannot.be carried out during this time, as the sole person to perform these tasks is unavailable. I understand that is the lunch break period for the sole operative. So a section of the establishment is non-functional of critical tasks for an hour while customers are inconvenienced. Customers either stick around for the period or return when the section resumes functioning.

It would appear the establishment has not heard about smooth continuity of operations or succession planning. I have had the unfortunate experience of going one day for a watch battery change which could not be attended to, as the only one to do this, the sole operative, was absent from work. It seems prudent to remind that no one is indispensable and the establishment owes it to customers to ensure their experience is seamless and without hassle.  To only have one person dealing with these tasks, in this age, speaks of a lack of vision, more reminiscent of a bygone era.


Shamshun Mohamed