Albouystown fisher charged with attempted murder

Kevin Allicock
Kevin Allicock

Thirty-year-old Kevin Allicock, a fisherman of Lot 32 James Street, Albouystown, Georgetown, appeared yesterday before Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the George-town Magistrate’s Court where he was charged with attempted murder.

It was alleged that on August 10, at Meadow Bank wharf, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded Nazam Beni, with the intent to murder him. Allicock was not required to plead to the indictable charge.

The prosecutor objected to bail stating that Beni is currently hospitalized with fractures to the skull and damage to the right side of his brain, as a result of being repeatedly punched by Allicock.

According to the Georgetown Public Hospital where Beni was taken, he is suffering from a  basilar skull fracture and internal bleeding and is in a critical state.

Further, the objection to bail was also based on Allicock’s previous run-ins with the law. It was stated that on March 14, he was charged with armed robbery, in 2013 he was arrested for a similar offence, and in 2021 he was charged and sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment for discharging a loaded firearm at a police constable.

Allicock then asked the magistrate for a chance to explain what had happened. He told the magistrate that on the day in question, he was held at gun point by a family member of Beni in front of police ranks who did nothing, and while he was being threatened, the family member was allowed to escape while he, Allicock, was arrested and charged.

He also told the magistrate that his sister who sells at the wharf is in danger of being attacked after he received threats from the same family member. Allicock then requested that the police make available the security footage to be shown in court.

The magistrate opted to refuse bail but requested that the footage be retrieved and produced at the next court hearing. The matter was adjourned to September 24.