BritCham Guyana urges local businesses to attend launch in UK

The panel at yesterday’s press conference. From right are Jane Miller, Peter Ramsaroop and Faizul Khan

As the September 11 date approaches for its London launch, the British Chamber of Commerce (BritCham) Guyana, yesterday made a pitch to local businesses to attend, with emphasis placed on benefits including future investment and partnership possibilities.

“For the businesses in Guyana that are serious about finding partners, finding customers in the United Kingdom, we believe that our event is a starting place,” President of BritCham Guyana, Faizul Khan, yesterday told a press conference where he updated on the event, scheduled for 7 pm in the Thomas Lord Suite at the prestigious Lord’s Cricket Ground, London, England.

“We don’t believe it is the finished product, and I don’t think we will be able to solve all the problems in three hours over the food and drinks, but I think it is going to be a start. And I think some handshakes are going to happen, some introductions will happen, some networkings are going to happen…,” he added.