Stabroek News

Arbitration for teachers salaries?

Dear Editor,

The impression over the weekend from news reports was there was indication of some agreement in the teachers’ salaries matter, with one headline signaling the union on the ‘brink of accepting a multi-year pact’ (SN August 11).

Well they were pulled back from the brink with the notice from the GS indicating no deal will be signed and negotiations continue. 

It seemed hopeful that some agreement would be on the table, now it appears not to be the case.

It is apposite to note the GS has been quiet for some time and the face and voice of the union was the President. 

Now the GS has once again sprung into action. The President, it is noted. is now quiet.

 Seventy-five days on the picket line does not equal or translate to ten percent in the first year.  It seems the hardline position is twenty-five percent, (nothing less!), as compensation for having to forego the 2019-2023 multi-year proposal.

The union is aware the new school year will commence shortly, so the pressure is on to conclude agreeably and mutually satisfactorily.

So where is this heading…Arbitration?

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed

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