The purported Order of Court has a number of deficiencies which resulted in the filing of an appeal

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter written by Jailall Kissoon in Stabroek News of August 13, 2024.

Jailall Kissoon has no Locus Standi in this matter and conveniently omits the salient point that the purported Order of Court (OC) has a number of deficiencies which resulted in the filing of an appeal to the Court of Appeal. Suffice to say that the purported OC is dated 18 January 2011 and that no ownership document, Title or Transport, has been granted in the 13 years to date.

Legal proceedings are being instituted in response to the recent misleading notices placed in two local newspapers.

Best regards

Vickram Oditt

Chairman & Owner

Letter T Estates Ltd