City residents up in arms over poor quality of water

A photo of discoloured, sediment-filled water posted on Facebook
A photo of discoloured, sediment-filled water posted on Facebook

Residents of Georgetown have taken to Facebook to express their dissatisfaction with the poor quality of water supplied by the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI).

The water, described by many as having a “coffee-coloured” appearance, has sparked wide-spread concern and frustration across the city.

GWI had previously issued a statement warning of service disruptions and potential declines in water quality due to ongoing maintenance work. Despite this warning, many residents have shared photos and videos on social media, showing the discoloured water coming from their taps, highlighting the extent of the issue.

The situation has persisted for approximately two days, with many residents questioning the effectiveness of GWI’s efforts to resolve the problem.

Social media content creator and businessman, Shazaam Ally, amplified the conversation by sharing a photo on Facebook of discoloured, sediment-filled water with the caption, “Not a bucket of mauby, but water through our taps in Georgetown for too long.” This post ignited further discussions in the comments, with residents revealing that they have been enduring this poor water quality for months in various parts of the city. Others complained of being without water for days.

One user, Teri Ann Phang, commented, “It’s been weeks, weeks, I’ve been turning the pipes on and it’s literally like clay water coming through the taps. And when it’s not coming like that, it’s not coming at all.”

Another commenter, Tracy Pedro, likened the water quality to that of creek water, saying, “Same here, it’s like we in Georgetown living at the creek.”

GWI is to hold a press conference today at which the matter is expected to be addressed.