Man charged as accessory in murder of ambulance dispatcher freed

Allan Sim Jr (left) with his attorney, Yuborn Allicock

Allan Sim Jr, who was charged with being an accessory to the murder of Georgetown Public Hospital ambulance dispatcher, Melissa Skeete, for which his father was convicted and is currently serving a 60-year prison sentence, was found not guilty by a jury in an 11-1 verdict yesterday  at the High Court before Justice Peter Hugh.

The charge against Sim Jr had stated that while knowing that his father had murdered Skeete, he gave comfort and assistance to him on November 25, 2015.

The 12-person jury deliberated for over two hours before returning with a not-guilty verdict. They took into account that the prosecution’s case advanced no evidence that showed Allan Sim Jr ever was in contact with his father, and was anywhere close to the murder scene or the car in which the murder was committed.