Marine institute launched at UG’s Berbice campus

The plaque which was unveiled (Ministry of Natural Resources photo)

-expected to benefit Region Six fishing industry

The University of Guyana, Berbice Cam-pus (UGBC) on Monday launched its new Institute for Marine and Riverine Ecolo-gies and Economies (IMAREE) which is expected to of significant benefit to the fishing industry in Region Six, a Ministry of Public Works release stated on Tuesday.  

Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, who delivered the keynote address at the opening ceremony held at the campus’ John’s Science Centre, spoke of the importance of such an institute to tertiary education. 

“The launch of the Institute for Marine and Riverine Ecologies and Economies is a most appropriate and critical addition to the repertoire of our nation’s premier tertiary educational institution. Particularly, in a nation that boasts the title, ‘The Land of Many Waters’. Water is an essential part of everyday life in Guyana, permeating both the mundane and complex aspects of our lives. Yet oftentimes, while traversing these waterways, the ordinary person takes for granted two things: 1) the fact that there is life below those waters; and 2) the ways in which these very waterways preserve our existence.”