`There was no detention or interrogation, it was a simple courtesy being extended’ – Bharrat

Vickram Bharrat
Vickram Bharrat

`We had conversation, obviously if we are walking through we had conversation. The conversation, as I mentioned before was on Guyana’s development and what is happening. I am the Minister of Natural Resources so obviously questions were asked on the development of the natural resources sector, one, oil and gas, and two, yes, gold’

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, yesterday said that he did not take the experience at the JFK Airport, New York  last month personally as he knows that under his portfolio comes much responsibility, but made clear that he was afforded expedited service and was not interrogated or detained.

Speaking publicly for the first time on the issue, Bharrat said that he is still the holder a diplomatic passport and chalked up the experience as coming “with the territory.”

“There was no detention or interrogation, it was a simple courtesy being extended. We had conversation, obviously if we are walking through we had conversation. The conversation, as I mentioned before was on Guyana’s development and what is happening. I am the Minister of Natural Resources so obviously questions were asked on the development of the natural resources sector, one, oil and gas, and two, yes, gold,” he yesterday responded when asked by Stabroek News about the incident and his perspective.

“Not anything specific to do with the Mohameds issue but generally because it was out in the media that there was a sanction and Guyana was being looked at as a place where there was smuggling. So that was the scenario. In fact, I was expedited in such a fast way, I got out before my brother-in-law could come to the airport to receive me. So there was no detention,” he said.

And to clear up any doubt as to whether his visa was revoked, the Minister said, “As it is I still have my visa. I am the holder, as you know, of a diplomatic passport.”

Following a video shared last month on social media and other internet platforms which showed Bharrat walking through JFK with two persons on either side of him and a uniformed Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officer behind them, questions were asked about whether they were federal agents.

His lawyer Sanjeev Datadin has said that the men who accompanied Bharrat “were not Federal Agents” and pointed out that protocol officers can be anyone assigned to carry out protocol duties by the respective agency responsible. “It is not performed by one special person. Whomever is available… a police officer, CPB agent.”

Bharrat told Stabroek News that the United States had assisted him in expediting his clearance at the JFK airport in New York where he was rushing to be with his father who had a medical emergency.

He had dismissed suggestions that he was met by, escorted off, and questioned, by US federal agents. He said that the post which was on veteran journalist, Enrico Woolford’s page, was “mischievous” as he “came in as an emergency.”

Yesterday, he said he chalked up the experience as one that comes with his job portfolio and doesn’t hold any ill will towards anyone because of it. “My general feeling is, I have no issue with cooperating with and giving truthful information with any agency, with anybody. I have nothing to hide. I am open to everything and if it something to do with improving the development of Guyana, I am always open to suggestions. I don’t take these things personally,” he assured.

“I know it is because of the position I hold. I know it would come under different scrutiny because of the nature of the ministry too and the size of the ministry. It comes with the territory. I don’t take things personally.” he iterated.