`There was no detention or interrogation, it was a simple courtesy being extended’ – Bharrat

Vickram Bharrat

`We had conversation, obviously if we are walking through we had conversation. The conversation, as I mentioned before was on Guyana’s development and what is happening. I am the Minister of Natural Resources so obviously questions were asked on the development of the natural resources sector, one, oil and gas, and two, yes, gold’

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, yesterday said that he did not take the experience at the JFK Airport, New York  last month personally as he knows that under his portfolio comes much responsibility, but made clear that he was afforded expedited service and was not interrogated or detained.

Speaking publicly for the first time on the issue, Bharrat said that he is still the holder a diplomatic passport and chalked up the experience as coming “with the territory.”

“There was no detention or interrogation, it was a simple courtesy being extended. We had conversation, obviously if we are walking through we had conversation. The conversation, as I mentioned before was on Guyana’s development and what is happening. I am the Minister of Natural Resources so obviously questions were asked on the development of the natural resources sector, one, oil and gas, and two, yes, gold,” he yesterday responded when asked by Stabroek News about the incident and his perspective.