Renewal of hope for the Bourda Market community

Dear Editor,

A dear friend of mine sent a message to me on Facebook with an attachment of the President visiting Bourda Market at pre-dawn with solid intentions to improve the lives of those in the Bourda community. I am writing to express my heartfelt thanks for publishing my recent letter regarding the inadequacies of Bourda Market. The response has been encouraging, and I am pleased to share that following the publication, the President made a visit to the market and promised to undertake much-needed infrastructure work.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to President Irfaan Ali for the immediate police presence established in the market area. This swift action has not gone unnoticed and has already begun to address some of the safety concerns raised by the community. I now feel safe enough to walk around with my gold chain (Light humor). We eagerly awaiting the other improvements promised; our hope has been renewed that these changes will bring about a brighter future for the Bourda Market community.

The support of both your publication and the leadership of our nation gives us confidence that our voices are being heard and that positive change is on the horizon. Thank you once again for your support in bringing this important issue to light.


Pushpa Jagnandan