Sanctity of Contract vs Sovereignty over Natural Resources

Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded – Column 133


This column is an adaptation of a presentation I made at an OGGN sponsored activity in New York last July 27. OGGN is a US registered NGO with its membership drawn from the Guyanese Diaspora in North America, Europe and the Caribbean. Dr. Vincent Adams and I were the two presenters. Adams spoke on the environmental implications of intensive fossil fuel production in a concentrated area of 26,000 km2 and of his tenure as head of the (Guyana) Environmental Production Agency from which the PPP/C Administration removed him following the 2020 elections in Guyana. Adams was able to enliven his presentation with anecdotes, incidents and several confrontations he had in the EPA’s oversight of the much discussed and criticised 2016 Petroleum Agreement. That agreement was signed by the APNU+AFC Coalition Government and a consortium of oil companies headed by the American giant ExxonMobil Guyana Inc. a far-removed subsidiary of ExxonMobil Corporation of the USA.