Guyana scored 66.36% in recent aviation safety audit – preliminary results

Preliminary results showed  that Guyana scored 66.36% in a recent International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) safety audit.

A release yesterday from the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) said that the  ICAO audited Guyana from May 29, 2024, to June 11, 2024, under the Universal Safety Oversight Audit-Continuous Monitoring Approach (USOAP-CMA) Programme. The preliminary results revealed that Guyana achieved an overall score of 66.36% in the effective implementation of the ICAO standards.

The GCAA release said that Guyana’s performance surpassed its 2007 ICAO audit, and the last four audits conducted by the ICAO within the South American region. “This is a commendable achievement for our nation”, the release said.

The GCAA said that the “audit was robust and comprehensive and covered the Convention on International Civil Aviation and the safety-related provisions of its Annexes in the following eight (8) areas: legislation, organisation, personnel licensing, aircraft operations, airworthiness of aircraft, aircraft accident and incident investigation, air navigation services and aerodromes and ground aids”.

With the exception of aircraft accidents and incident investigations, the release said that each audit area was assessed using eight  critical elements: primary aviation legislation; specific operating regulations; state system and functions; qualified technical personnel; technical guidance, tools and provision of safety-critical information; licensing, certification, authorization and/or approval obligations; surveillance obligations; and resolution of safety issues.

Eight ICAO experts in the various audit areas conducted the audit.

The GCAA expressed its appreciation to President Irfaan Ali through the Cabinet for the  support given to the Authority. It thanked Public Works Minister Juan Edghill  for providing the requisite support and guidance for a successful audit and to Minister in the Ministry Deodat Indar who was tasked by the Cabinet to oversee the audit preparation.  Gratitude was also expressed to Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall SC and his staff for ensuring the timely passage of the amendment to the Civil Aviation Act 2018 and for the approval of the Civil Aviation Regulations.

Guyana is a signatory to the ICAO ​Convention on International Civil Aviation. As a member State of ICAO and a participant in the USOAP-CMA Programme, Guyana commits to providing ongoing information related to the establishment and implementation of its safety oversight system.