Lall’s attacks on Exxon are unacceptable

Dear Editor,

On August 14, a letter by GHK Lall was published in SN and I would like to congratulate your newspaper for being an exemplary leader in the most important instrument of democracy and fairness – the free press which is the backbone of any attempt to maintain a real democratic Guyana.

Editor, salutations should be bestowed on SN premised on the fact that you would allow Lall’s letter to be read by the public who are already pounded by  his constant diatribe, on an everyday basis. Thank you, Editor, for allowing me, because of your commitment to freedom of the press, to be able to counter his statements about the Exxon/Mobil executives being investigated and cross-examined by the Parliament of Guyana and being answerable to Parliamentary committees – and Lall seems to think that he is a political commentator when, in fact, he is really confused, self-absorbed  and convinced that “the pen is mightier than the sword” is owned by him and only him, in order to slash and burn people he wants the public to hate. In fact, studying history, one will find endless stories where the sword was mightier than the pen – Socrates of Greece, where democracy started, is a good example – Lall should pay attention.

ExxonMobil is our guest and we welcome them because Exxon brings us wealth  and opens the doors to our economy while putting us on the world map; Exxon’s strong connections internationally bring us security and settles our nerves from the evil intentions of Venezuela’s Maduro in stealing Essequibo from us: Exxon is on Wall Street and high on investors’  buy options and doing well – I don’t see any investors rallying to Venezuela’s Maduro – they ain’t even listed; Exxon is our guest and good for us, no matter what and Lall should stop his ridiculous attacks on our allies and friends because we live in in a very dangerous world. Lall insults Exxon, and in particular, their executives, on a regular basis, in his articles which are always laced with superfluous wordage meant to impress the reader.

Editor, Lall’s disdain for our guests/ allies is obvious and evidenced by his attempt to suggest that Exxon should answer to Guyana’s parliamentary committees who can’t even revise our lop-sided constitution or investigate corruption in our government. A recent letter of his, where he brings the Bible into his toxic arguments comparing the four “horsemen of the apocalypse” as our current leaders, is disrespectful, despicable and disingenuous but is bordering on anti-patriotism. GHK Lall should appreciate, in a democratic country, that he is allowed to write the nonsense he does, on a daily basis. Think again Mr. Lall, when you try to weaken the Guyanese/Exxon connection, coordination and conviction that the Venezuela’ Maduro planned invasion of our country will never be successful and, as my godfather, Mr. Forbes Burnham said repeatedly – not a blade of grass. At this crucial period no one, especially Parliament, should throw stones or cast aspersions on Exxon – our real friend.


Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)