Cops destroy $2.5B in ganja at DeVeldt, seize rifle, ammo

The rifle and the 522 cartridges
The rifle and the 522 cartridges

Police and Coast Guard ranks in Berbice conducted narcotic eradication exercises yesterday, which resulted in the discovery of a rifle, more than 500 cartridges and a farm with more than $2.5 billion worth of cannabis at DeVeldt, Berbice River.

According to a police press release, the exercise was conducted between 05:00 hrs and 12:30 hrs. Police said they discovered a suspected stash house at DeVeldt, where a search unearthed 1,300 pounds of suspected dried cannabis, 100 pounds of suspected cannabis seeds, 520 12-gauge cartridges, one .22 long rifle with 19 matching rounds of ammunition.

The farms that were destroyed by police

According to the press release, ranks then ventured further into the area and found three abandoned farms measuring about three acres each. One of the farms had 40 trays of suspected cannabis seedling plants, measuring two inches in height.

The ranks then continued to two other farms measuring ten acres each, about 100 feet apart. The first farm had about 39,000 suspected cannabis plants, and the second farm had about 50,000 suspected cannabis plants, all measuring about six to 12 inches in height, police said.

The suspected stash house, along with the items found and the cannabis farms, were photographed, after which all were destroyed by fire. The total estimated street value of the cannabis destroyed was more than $2.5 billion, the release said.

The 12-gauge cartridges and the rifle with matching rounds were taken to Central Police Station, where they were photographed, marked, sealed, and lodged.

No one was arrested during the operation.