Keron Bruce fined $3M for cybercrime

Keron Bruce
Keron Bruce

Photographer Keron Bruce who was charged with a cybercrime based on the accusation that he spread false information about reporter Leroy Smith, was yesterday found guilty by Magistrate Sunil Scarce at the Diamond Magistrates’ Court and fined $3 million to be paid in one month or he faces imprisonment.

According to the charge, on Monday, January 25, 2022, at Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, Bruce used a computer system to disseminate information about Smith, knowing the information to be false, which subjected Smith to public ridicule, contempt, hatred or embarrassment.

Bruce’s lawyer asked that whatever sentence be imposed not be custodial. Magistrate Scarce agreed and said given that this was Bruce’s first brush with the law he would just be fined.

Initially Bruce’s legal counsel asked for six months for the fine to be paid. However, both Smith and the prosecution objected to this move citing the embarrassment caused and how it affected Smith when the defamatory content was posted on the various social media platforms.

During the closing of the matter Bruce was asked if he had anything he wanted to say to the court. He stated that Smith deserved it because he bullies others. He also questioned the justice saying his children were bullied by Smith.