Solomon, Gasper still at loggerheads over Linden Town Week finances

The ongoing conflict between Mayor Sharma Solomon and Town Clerk Gasper highlights a deeply entrenched dispute over the governance and financial management of the Linden Town Council. This disagreement extends beyond mere procedural interpretations, touching on fundamental issues of accountability and transparency within the council.

At the heart of the dispute is the interpretation of the Municipal and District Councils Act 28:01 and the organisation of Linden Town Week 2024. Mayor Solomon argues that the council’s practices, including the distribution of honorariums, are consistent with established policies and past precedents, as outlined in the Linden Town Week 2023 Report. He maintains that these practices are justified and align with previous years’ procedures. Town Clerk Gasper disputes this interpretation. He raises concerns about the lack of clear, documented policies and the self-authorising nature of the honorarium payments, suggesting that these issues point to potential financial mismanagement and corruption. Gasper emphasises the need for transparency and proper documentation to ensure that all financial transactions are legitimate.

The dispute has also highlighted significant issues with policy documentation and the responsibilities of council members. Gasper has criticised the Mayor and Councillors for failing to present necessary policy documents, suggesting that this reflects a deeper problem with understanding and managing their roles. Solomon countered by accusing Gasper of overstepping his responsibilities, particularly in relation to the treasurer’s duties. He also pointed out that recommendations from the previous year regarding payment procedures had been ignored, which further complicated the issue.

The financial irregularities at the heart of the conflict have further complicated the situation. Gasper has criticised several payments made during and after Linden Town Week 2024, asserting that they lacked proper justification and oversight. He claimed that the Mayor and other officials may have misused their authority, particularly regarding payments to Linden Town Week Coor-dinator Stephon Gabriel and various honorariums. In response, Mayor Solo-mon defended these honorariums as part of an established council policy, arguing that the payments align with practices detailed in previous reports and events. The Mayor explained that the Town Council was pleased with Gabriel’s performance and the handling of his responsibilities, thus justifying his compensation. He contended that Gasper’s attempt to delay payments to Gabriel was unwarranted. To address these concerns, Gasper has requested an independent financial audit to clarify the allegations of irregularities and ensure that all payments and expenditures are properly accounted for.