Hughes urges all parties to craft joint 15-year development plan for Guyana

The Alliance For Change (AFC) yesterday opened its Region 10 office in Linden. AFC Lader Nigel Hughes and his wife Cathy Hughes, who is also a party official, are seen with other as the opening.

The Alliance for Change (AFC) yesterday kick-started its elections campaign in Linden, Region 10 urging all political leaders to put country and people first and agree to collectively craft a joint 15-year development plan for Guyana. In that way, for at least three consecutive presidential terms, there will be a continuum of planned projects and initiatives not cancelled or terminated because of political differences.

“Since if would be necessary to attract foreign investment to Guyana to go forward, we should identify those areas that are critical to our development and come to a political consensus between all the parties and leading civil society groups on a 10 to 15 years development plan,” AFC presidential candidate Nigel Hughes yesterday told a meeting in the parking lot of Linden Municipal Market.