‘Just do your work to the best of your ability’

Police Sergeants in attendance
Police Sergeants in attendance


As part of a broader effort by the administration of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to ensure that the Force, at all levels, is aligned in its mission to serve and protect the members of the public effectively, Commissioner of Police, Clifton Hicken and other members of the top brass last Friday met with over 400 sergeants from the 12 Regional Police Divisions at the Officers’ Mess Annexe, Eve Leary, Georgetown, a GPF.

According to a release from the police the meeting was one of several that have taken place over the past few weeks, as Commissioner Hicken and his administration team have already engaged with senior and junior officers and inspectors in similar sessions.

The meeting focussed on addressing issues that hamper the functionality and management of human and other resources as well as police stations and departments in the various divisions.

The Top Cop during his closing remarks, spoke at length about the importance of ranks’ appearance and conduct and their mannerisms when interacting with members of the public.

Addressing the technological, infrastructural, and academic development, currently ongoing in the force, Commissioner Hicken implored the sergeants to embrace them as they, ultimately, are the beneficiaries.

“You cannot be victims of change. You have to be beneficiaries of change. It means, therefore, you shouldn’t resist development in this organisation because you are the beneficiaries.”

Speaking on bridging the gap between members of the public and the GPF, he urged the sergeants present that they, too, must play their part. As such, Hicken cautioned that they, along with the subordinate ranks under their command, must conduct community outreaches in the areas that they serve and not leave it to the officers and inspectors only. “We need to see visibility. Spend most of the day in the communities – interacting, talking to people, [and] building a rapport [with members of the community] as most of your work is in the community.”

In conclusion, the sergeants were charged to perform their duties to the best of their abilities. “Just do your work to the best of your ability, and this will be the best Force in the entire world, not just the Caribbean.” Commissioner Hicken further urged the sergeants: “Be the change you’d like to see in this organisation if you’re serious about the development of our organisation. The chain is as strong as its weakest link; we cannot separate from each other.”

During the meeting, all concerns raised by the junior middle managers were thoroughly addressed by Commissioner Hicken and his admin team, the release added.