Rice is an important sector – Mustapha

Rice paddy in the facility
Rice paddy in the facility

Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha, commissioning a seed processing facility in Lesbeholden, Black Bush Polder yesterday, stressed that rice is an important sector to the government of Guyana.

He explained that the project was started in 2014 and partially commissioned after which technical issues developed. Then there was a change of government with the APNU+AFC taking over, “so from 2015 to 2020 this project left at a standstill, what we did prior to the partial commissioning in 2014 it remained like that until elections were held again in 2020,” Mustapha stated.

According to him, during one of his first visits to the Black Bush Polder area after becoming minister he made a commitment to the farmers that the facility would be refurbished, “within this term.”

Mustapha stated that not only has the facility been refurbished and the technical issues fixed, but additional components have been installed. “… I am happy to note that this facility here will provide seeds for the entire Black Bush Polder cultivation,” he said.

“The rice sector to date contributes significantly to the revenue of our country and we have seen what has happened over the last four years. We have seen how we have transformed this industry, from a subsistence industry to one where now is earning billions of dollars… And that tells us a story, it tells us that this government, your government, has been making the investment to develop and modernise this important industry for us.”

He pointed out that Black Bush Polder was producing the lowest yield of 2.6 tonnes per hectare. “So for 2.5 acres you were producing just about 2.6 tonnes. We have moved a far way, we have modernised and we have developed because of the research that we have done, because of the investment that we have made,” he said.

The new facility

The minister then sought to make it clear that the government has remained committed to supporting the rice industry stating that “rice farming is an important component for us as a government and as a people in this country.”

He explained that in 2022 rice production was at 610,000 tonnes and has continued to increase annually with 2023 seeing a production of 653,000 tonnes. “… This year we’ve set a target of 710,000 tonnes,” he added.

According to him, for the first half of the year 362,000 tonnes of rice have already been produced. “Rice has been making a valuable contribution to our revenue in this country and at the same time the government has been making a lot of investments,” he said.

President of the Guyana Rice Producers Association Lekha Rambrich said: “This is happening because of the vision of the minister… Quality seeds [are] very important and our main focus… is to ensure that every farmer in this country plants quality seeds.”

As such the facility is expected to boost this for the farmers of Black Bush Polder.