Several agreements reached in negotiations, fight for livable salary ongoing – GTU president

By Khadidja Ba

President of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) Mark Lyte yesterday provided a detailed update on the union’s negotiations with the Ministry of Education in a live Facebook post. Delivered to over 500 online viewers, it highlighted the key issues discussed over four bilateral meetings and detailed the outcomes of these discussions.

Lyte began by acknowledging the challenges faced by teachers in Guyana. “Being a Guyanese teacher is nothing simple. We operate under conditions that are not compatible with what exists in other parts of the world,” he said. He also emphasised that the GTU does not endorse the political rhetoric surrounding the general secretary of the GTU, underscoring that “in any group or any grouping, there are going to be different views and perceptions,” and reaffirming the union’s commitment to resolving these differences amicably within its framework.