Attacks targeting women are disheartening

Dear Editor,

This week, I was disturbed by the rise in disrespectful and baseless accusations against Guyanese women, notably from a popular social media commentator. These attacks, targeting women like the First Lady and a skilled pilot who serves with honour and integrity, are not only unfounded but also damaging.

Both women have demonstrated remarkable strength and commitment to their roles. The First Lady has championed numerous impactful initiatives, including projects that uplift our society and contribute to the nation’s development. The pilot, a member of the Disciplined Services, exemplifies the values of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

It’s disheartening to witness how easily misinformation can spread and harm the reputations of those who have dedicated their lives to serving others. Social media, while a powerful tool for connection and communication, can also become a platform for spreading falsehoods that cause significant emotional and professional damage.

Nalinie Singh