Extend vehicle clamping measures to infringements on private property

Dear Editor,

I am urging the government and the police traffic department to extend their vehicle clamping measures to address illegal parking on private property. While clamping currently targets vehicles on major roads, it should also apply to those unlawfully blocking access to residents’ yards. Towing vehicles obstructing private entrances would further deter this behavior.

In Charlestown, for example, a local short-time brothel owner allows his guests to park on the bridges of neighbouring properties, preventing residents from entering or exiting their own yards.

Despite warnings from the police, this disruptive behaviour has continued. Female residents have even received death threats from the owner and his patrons, leaving people in constant fear and worry.

I am asking the government to cast their gaze on the well-being such as the mental health of the citizens of Guyana. Immediate action is needed to protect residents and restore peace to the community.

J. Payne