Reception extended to our minister at JFK was nothing short of breathtaking

Dear Editor,

It was with great pride and a dash of envy that I read about the warm reception extended to our esteemed Guyanese government minister upon arrival at JFK Airport. The sight of two government officials flanking the minister on either side, while a uniformed officer solemnly guarded the rear, was nothing short of breathtaking. One might think it was the arrival of a head of state, or perhaps a rock star—yet no, it was simply a courtesy extended to a humble minister from the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

This meticulously crafted security triangle, reminiscent of a military flanking formation, is not only a testament to the United States’ dedication to international diplomacy but also a nod to their ever-vigilant approach to airport security. It’s comforting to know that even in these tumultuous times, the world’s superpower still has the time and resources to orchestrate such intricate and thoughtful displays for visiting dignitaries.

However, one can’t help but wonder—what prompted this grand gesture? Could it be that our dear minister, with his mere presence, radiates such an aura of importance that the US felt compelled to roll out a formation typically reserved for generals? Or, perhaps, it’s a new protocol for all Caribbean leaders—after all, you never know when one might have a sudden diplomatic epiphany in the customs line.

In any case, I do hope that this newfound tradition will continue. Who knows, maybe the next time a Guyanese official lands in Miami, we’ll see the full cavalry in action, complete with trumpets and a red carpet.

Keith Bernard