Who can we trust?

Dear Editor,

I am trying to grasp the political realities of Guyana. I am trying to start a discussion though I believe this does not usually take place in Guyana because from observation, others do not enter the fray. In a sense many do not fully utilise the media to have public discussions. It is time the youths recognize the necessity of discarding these two political entities that have been strangulating us for the past sixty years by teaching us to fear the other.

The big question is whom to trust? After the betrayal of the AFC and the conduct of Shuman and now Asha Kissoon, a dilemma is generated in the minds of people, a large percentage of whom would like to see these two parties relegated to the dustbin of history or at least a situation where the PPP does not get a majority of 33 so they can do what they want, when they want and how they want.

There is a need to throw away the fear of PNC slipping in, they cannot. In fact, PNC supporters should begin to realise the PNC can do nothing for them except that their existence is what is providing the fear that keep a sizeable of Indians voting for the PPP. Anytime the PNC is removed as the main opposition the PPP would lose the next elections. I see a scenario where the PNC is replaced as the main Opposition and where the PPP is reduced to be a minority government.

If this is accomplished at the next elections the PPP would lose the subsequent elections in 2030 or possibly before by a vote of no Confidence. This is the only way we can have a government that is accountable to the people. The question is, who can we trust?

Dhaneshwarrie Ramnarain