Silver Trails

Though slow and small, snails manage to leave a mark (Image by Freepik)

Our planet is a home to many kinds of creatures. We share everything from our food to our air with a variety of different animals, insects and plants. Despite the space that they occupy, it can be quite easy to forget that these creatures even exist because we are often distracted by the comfort of concrete skies.

However, unlike fickle human constructs, animal nature is persistent and unchanging. While these creatures evolve, they never stray from their true nature. They persevere in sticking to their true selves, even if the world itself changes. They survive, and they leave marks. They leave marks in the form of green tendrils that crawl through iron gates. They leave marks in the form of lost feathers that litter urban streets. They leave marks in the form of silver trails that glitter in the moonlight.